Spring is Here and Plumerias

Hello, everyone! This week has been pretty excellent. There have been many cool developments this week.For starters, we had a good zone council on Tuesday, and I got to know the Macon zone a bit better.
We got to teach a lesson to our friend Hollis and he was really interested! On Wednesday, while we were out teaching some lessons, our new members rolled up in her red truck, and so we invited her to join in the lesson. She bore an awesome testimony! We also got to meet up with her after the lesson and talk about going to the temple. This was really cool because we were planning on having a lesson with this new member, but she thought that her work would go long. She finished early, so we were able to have her in the lesson and talk with her after. She also has a son who is not baptized and so we got to talk with him for a while.
We were doing some door to door contacting in a neighborhood when Elder Perry saw that there were plumerias (They are the flowers from Hawaii that you see leis made of) in a ton of gardens. We hopped out and asked a lady about them, and she told us that there was a lady in the neighborhood who grows them, and when she cuts them down, she gives away the cuttings. She then called the lady who gave her the plumerias, and she came over and gave us a red, yellow, and 2 pink plumerias. Elder Perry loves growing plants, and so he was super happy.
On Saturday, May 4th, we met at the church with our friend Shondra. May the 4th party was being planned in the gym a little later, and so we took some time to give her a tour of the church. The Spells were there to help out, and the tour went very well. We afterward went to the May 4th activity. They had tacos, and it was all star wars themed. It was also the youth fundraiser, and so they had an auction on the desserts to raise money for the camp. We had some good banter with Shondra, and she shocked us by outbidding some members to win a cake. She said that she had an amazing time and she looks forward to seeing us again. Then, on Sunday, the Bishop was released, and a new bishop was called. Our friend Hollis was also able to attend, and we taught him about the restoration during the Gospel doctrine. We had a really good lesson, and he got a lot out of it. The rest of the day was good as well. That about puts you up to date with what I've been up to! Have a wonderful day!