The Branch

Nathan and Elder Reevs have found some cool people to teach and said things are going well. There are 20 people in their branch, many older. So when 6 people didn't show up on Sunday, Nathan and his companion had to handle the Sacrament prep, bless it and serve it. He also speaks on a regular basis as you can imagine. They are spending Thanksgiving with a member named Groovers this year.
Nathan did splits with his former companion and now District Leader Elder Pearson. These 4 missionaries are the only ones serving in Alabama. They love to get together on P Days to play games, go fishing or try to see local sites. Nathan is getting a reputation for being a great baker of cookies, brownies and peach cobbler. Nathan caught a fish this week and so did his companion. Thanks Aunt Lisa and Uncle Kent. The Newnan Zone is headed to the Atlanta Temple this week and Nathan is super excited.
Nathan also mentioned how much he enjoyed the Come Follow Lesson on Ether 1-5 this week and the faith that the brother of Jared must have had. He mentioned the talk "Consistent and Resilient Trust" by Elder L. Todd Budge of the Quorum of the Seventy. I recommend reading the Ensign article but loved this quote,
"The journey was not easy for the Jaredites. “They were many times buried in the depths of the sea, because of the mountain waves which broke upon them.” Yet it is recorded that “the wind did never cease to blow [them] towards the promised land.” As difficult as it is to understand, especially at the times in our lives when the headwinds are strong and the seas are turbulent, we can take comfort in knowing that God in His infinite goodness is always blowing us toward home."