A Great Week

A Great Week

April 1, 2024

Hey Everyone, thought I would give you an update on what happened this week. So firstly, we had MLC (Mission Leadership Conference) on Tuesday, and there are some very exciting developments that will be rolling out. We also had interviews with the President that went very well.

After the interviews on Wednesday, I went on an exchange into Summer Grove with Elder Scott. Summer Grove is a Spanish area, but that day, there were a few lessons that happened in English that went very well. Elder Scott and I got along well, and the exchange went great. We got up an hour early one morning, and we're able to catch our friend as he was getting back from work (he works the night shift). He spoke only Spanish, but Elder Scott did great and set up another time to come by and have Elder Pearson do the baptismal interview. We found out that he did get baptized on Saturday.

We went to Zone Council on Friday, and it was excellent. We also did a lot of finding and had some success today, which got me very excited. The lessons we taught were also fantastic, and it made for an incredible day. The rest of the week we mostly did door to door contacting and public contacting. Elder Pearson keeps it very exciting though and it's a great time to talk and meet new people. 

On Easter, we went and did member visits and had some great meals with them. We got to share Easter messages, and it was a very chill day. Also, transfers came up fast. They occur this Friday. It feels like time just goes by faster and faster. Should be exciting to see where I go, though. That's about it for this week. Have a fantastic week!