Festival of Trees and Thanksgiving

Festival of Trees and Thanksgiving

November 23, 2023 Thanksgiving

 The week has been full of service activities. Our zone has been helping out in the Atlanta Festival of Trees. The Festival of Trees is a charity event held in the Georgia World Congress Center and over the last week my zone has been helping to set up and run the event. Also with fall now in full swing Elder Moore and I have done a lot of leaf related service activities.     

I also went on an exchange this week with Elder Johnson in "the hood," It was very fast-paced, there were a ton of lessons, and we found many people while traveling between lessons. It's crazy how certain parts of the city can be so completely different. The apartment in Atlanta was also a four man apartment, which made for some real crazy conversations when everyone was winding down for the day. We took MARTA between central Atlanta and Five Points, and there are a ton of crazy things that happen on the train and around the stations, but we exchanged back safely.      

Other than that Elder Moore and I have just been driving around, knocking on doors, and talking to people. The P-Day on Monday was switched to Thanksgiving. We did weekly planning this morning so that we could free up our night later down the line. Some members invited us to join them for Thanksgiving dinner, Bishop Gross of our Dunwoody Ward. He made a turkey, potatoes, and stuffing, and then others brought potluck.

I hope that Y'all are doing well, and I'm excited to call later today.-Elder Walker

Nathan called home today and we had a great conversation. He was able to visit with Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles over Face Time. He also told us how he and his companion were invited to Elder Foster's home for dinner this week. He is a previous member of the Quorum of 70's and a Mission President. They were able to hear about alot of his neat experiences and stories. We all expressed things we are grateful for. Family and Nathan's missionary service were high on the list.