Nathan and the Farm

Nathan and the Farm

June 24 and July 1, 2024

Nathan and Elder Perry put in some service hours helping Brother Day on his farm for 6 hours. Nathan loved spending the day outside and putting in some physical work. Said it always help to get a fresh perspective (and pet cows).

Nathan and his companion have 2 individuals committed for baptism and are teaching a family. He says families are his favorite because he sees such a difference in their homes.

Nathan is waiting to hear on transfers. We hope he gets transferred or a new companion since the current companion is not the best fit with Nathan.

When Nathan called on July 1st, we were at Island Park at the cabin. One of his favorite trips with his favorite extended family and favorite food. We took him around with us on the phone. He loves Yellowstone National Park and all the scientific wonders there! He said he will for sure be there next year. I said "Yes you will be!" He is almost at the 1 year mark in August!!!

Nathan did not get transferred out of Warner Robins but he did get a new companion, Elder Randolph!