New Companion and Tree

New Companion and Tree

December 11, 2023

Nathan is now companions with Elder Newman from Logan, Utah. He is staying in Dunwoody.

Monday - last Monday for P-day, we went and had a fantastic district P-Day by playing cards for the entire duration of it. We met at a tea shop and ordered the drinks that did not have tea in them, this shop has great tables for playing cards games so that it's why we went. I have also been practicing guitar every night of this week. 

Tuesday - A ton of knocking before we helped a lady named Melody move some of her belongings into a shed outside, with the help of Brother Kennady, who also provided us with dinner that night as well. 

Wednesday - A lot of knocking and also all of the lessons fell through, but with all the knocking, we were able to still teach a lot. 

Thursday - We had housing inspections, and the inspection went really well. We replaced a few burned-out light bulbs, and there was nothing else regarding housing to fix. We also did weekly planning in a taco bell as per usual for a few hours before doing a little knocking and then teaching an older lady named Angelique. The lesson went well, and we had brother Kennady join us for it, and he was really good at teaching directly. Afterward, we climbed into her attic to get out the Christmas decorations that she stored up there before heading back to the apartment. 

Friday - We did a ton of knocking again today, but we also got to do some good teaching. We taught Kirk at a Chick-fil-A, and he was really tentative and had a few questions that we were able to help answer. He ended up joining us on church this Sunday. We also went into the aforementioned Chick-fil-A to have some lunch and ran into sister Benitez, who is a member that we have been working with. Turns out that she is there rather often and knows some of the staff there as well, so she got us or meals. While we were eating, one of the younger kids managed to get a snowman stuck to the ceiling, so I used a broom to get it back down. Elder Newman also had a long conversation about soccer with some of the kids in the Chick-fil-A, and they became pretty good friends. 

Saturday - We helped move a couple who recently moved into the sandy springs ward. The trouble was that the house was a ton of stairs, so we were just hauling a ton of heavy objects up narrow stairs and corners for 3 hours. We managed to get it all moved in, though, and had some pizza afterward. All the lessons we planned for that day fell through again, but we met some really cool people while knocking.

Sunday - I was in church for a long while, but the Dunwoody ward had some great musical performances, and the talks were also great. Kirt showed up and said that he had a really good experience. The YSA had a very good turnout, still even for the holidays, and we had the last ward correlation until New years. Also, the special devotional happened with parents, and some powerful testimonies were shared. It went pretty long into the night, though, so I went to bed pretty much right after. That's what happened this week! Call y'all later tonight!

Also, I need to start taking some photos, but for now, here is a picture of the Christmas tree.