Scuppernong Cider

Scuppernong Cider

June 17, 2024

Nathan and Elder Perry have 2 investigators including Chrishaun that they are working on setting a baptism date. They are also excited about teaching a family of 5. They have 3 young children.

The district went to a peach orchard which he said smelled amazing. He really enjoyed drinking and saying Scuppernong Cider. :) Nathan enjoyed wishing Mel a Happy Father's Day. He emailed him a special message and also included a personal note to be included in the Kid's card to their Dad. He is always so great to think of his parents and others.

Also if you get a chance to write him at I'm sure he would really appreciate it. I think he's feeling a bit homesick as he nears his 1 year mark. We are trying to FaceTime him a couple times on Pday. Just needs to get over the hump. I'm sure he would love to see pictures, hear your favorite scripture or share a story. Thanks!