Thanks for the Birthday Wishes!

Thanks for the Birthday Wishes!


Nathan wanted me to tell y'all thank you for the birthday wishes! He loved your messages and hopes to have time to respond to them this week or next.

He spent his birthday which is also P Day with his companion Elder Perry attending the Aerospace Museum and dining on Sushi. He had a great day! He got to see some fast planes and jets. They are in a 'sisrict' which means they are the only elder companionship and the rest of the district is sister missionaries so they weren't interested in seeing the planes. We sent Nathan a "Send a Cake" which he loved opening and finding confetti jumping out with a piece cake at the bottom!

They continue to have many referrals for teaching and the ward is going well.

Thanks again for your support and helping Nathan enjoy his special day!

These 2 and their smiles! Just love them!