Zone Conference

Zone Conference
Nathan top row on the left

The missionaries of my zone also all got together for a Zone Conference where we talked about our missionary efforts, and the leaders gave us advice as well as key things to focus on in the following weeks. We also talked about taking the sacrament and the many blessings that come from it. We were encouraged to invite more people to come to sacrament and church services. 

The scripture we are focusing on is Alma 29:9 I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance, and this is my joy.

The week of 11/7 Nathan called while we were having dinner. He mainly wanted to know what all his siblings were up to as well as the family. He stays incredibly positive and focused. He has been blessed with a great companion and apartment. They are having transfers in the mission beginning of December. He will stay in the area but will be getting a new companion.